Dealing with Professional Burnout

 With the holidays approaching, I think this is an important topic to touch upon. For some, these holidays may be their busiest time of the year and for others, it may be their slowest. Both scenarios have the potential to put you in a position to burnout.

According to Mayo Clinic, burnout is a type of work-related stress, a state of physical or emotional exhaustion. Some experts believe that burnout is attributed to depression and can be life-threatening if not identified and left untreated.

Some of the behavioral and emotional symptoms of burnout include difficulty concentrating, a constant feeling of failure and helplessness, and an overall loss of motivation. These symptoms eventually start to take a physical toll. You may begin to have appetite changes or headaches or an overall feeling of being ill. Burnout can affect people in different ways, so it is important to be aware of yourself, so you catch and stop the symptoms immediately. 

As an entrepreneur, it is important to be self-aware, since you are wearing most, if not all of the hats in your business. You might have to deal with the emotions of others as well as your own, dealing with the regular ups and downs of business can put you on the shortest path to burnout. So remember to take care of yourself, it’s ok to rest, or to take a day off.

Ask for help when you need it and delegate tasks. As a virtual assistant, I can’t stress that point enough, not just for business, but as someone that has lived through and still fights off burnout. I remember how helpless I felt and there was no one I could turn to, professionally or personally. Knowing that I could help someone avoid that is more reward than any dollar I can earn. Everyone wants to be successful, but we shouldn’t have to pay for it with our health and peace of mind. 

Next time you feel overwhelmed, don’t just chalk it up to it being a part of the business. Take account of those feelings and handle them accordingly. If you need a little help, it is ok to ask. It is ok to take a day off; your business will thank you for it. 

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For more information on burnout:
